What You Need To Know About Pubic Hair Removal


These days, there is much controversy surrounding the subject of pubic hair. In particular, the buzz is mostly about whether or not the hair in this very private area should or should not be removed. If the decision to remove pubic hair is made, just how much should actually be removed? Is a trim sufficient? Should the bikini line be free of unsightly, coarse black curls? Or should a woman jump on the bandwagon and go for the much-hyped Brazilian wax?

It seems that waxing is by far the pubic hair removal treatment method of choice for most. Waxing is relatively inexpensive, and in most cases, is only temporarily uncomfortable, mostly during the time of the actual procedure. When it’s over, the skin in the pubic area is soft and stubble-free.

Waxing is not a permanent hair removal treatment. With this process, the hairs are simply pulled out of the hair shafts. Hair will grow back in a few weeks, which means that the waxing process will have to be repeated for as long as the effect is desired. However, some people claim that the hair that does grow back does diminish over time and that these hairs grow back with a different texture: they’re finer and not as course as they once were. Because it is possible that repeated plucking of the hairs out of their shafts may ultimately damage the actual hair follicle, the point from which the hair grows, future hair growth can be affected.

Another benefit of waxing is that it enables a person to better control the location of the pubic area that is to be hair-free. It’s a quick process, and one that a person can do on his or her own, if desired. However, there are plenty of people who will perform this hair removal technique for you, if you’re willing to share this very personal encounter! Many waxing products are available but be sure you read the label before purchasing. You want a waxing product that is safe to use in this area.

Sugaring is a technique that is similar to waxing. But instead of using wax, which can be messy and difficult to clean up, a sugar-based organic mixture is used instead. Generally mixed with honey and lemon, the sugary paste concept has been around for centuries. The paste is applied to the skin, and as it hardens, it traps the pubic hairs. Once it has paste hardened, it is pulled very quickly from the skin, removing the hair as it goes.

Waxing or sugaring generally won’t cause skin irritation like shaving and chemical-based depilatories often do. And these methods are far less expensive than laser treatments and electrolysis.

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